Sep 23, 2022Liked by Evan Patrick Maloney

been browsing fb mktplce for a laser printer for months & this is going to be massively helpful when i decide to finally pull the trigger. also would be curious to see how your <taken images : used images> ratio has changed since switching to the gfx

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best of luck in the laser printer hunt! as for my "keeper ratio" - i shot around 500 pictures in 2021 all on film and now think about 100 of them are worth considering for prints/books/website, so 5:1 (taken to used). so far in 2022 i have taken about 2300 digital pictures of which i think about 300 are worth working on, so around 8:1. this ratio will probably improve with time because i usually find things i missed when i go back to old shots, but probably won't approach the 5:1 i had with film. i chalk this up to usually taking two or three frames that are pretty much the same to ensure focus and exposure, something i didn't do as much with film. i also don't think this ratio stays constant as i take more pictures regardless of medium - the more pictures i take, the more i take risks, and so more pictures fail. but the number of total useable pictures goes up (without the cost of film) and thats all i care about :)

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Evan Patrick Maloney

Those pop-ups that appear right in the middle of the recipe and continue to appear as fast as you can close them drive me CRAZY!!! FYI…. I DID read to the end! ❤️

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